Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster
Change After Fukushima

Dave Sweeney works with a nuclear free campaign for the Australian Conservation Foundation. Continue reading
Dave Sweeney works with a nuclear free campaign for the Australian Conservation Foundation. Continue reading
The Legend of Zelda, the first game in The Legend of Zelda series, was released in Japan on February 21, 1986. The Legend of Zelda is a fantasy themed action-adventure series that has become one of Nintendo’s most popular franchises, consisting of 17 official games, as well as several spin-offs … Continue reading
On February 8, 1942, Japan invaded Singapore, capturing the city-state on February 15, 1942. Singapore was the major British military base in South-East Asia. The capture of Singapore by the Japanese led to the largest surrender of British-led military personnel in history, making 80,000 troops prisoners of war. In this … Continue reading
A pediatrician in Minamisoma, Japan who treats children living in the radiation zone 20-30 km from the damaged nuclear power plant in Fukushima talks about the aftermath of the nuclear meltdown. Continue reading
Ms. McEachern was a recruiter for the Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service (WAVES), a division of the U.S. Navy for women, during World War II. Continue reading
This is the Executive Order authorized in February of 1942 by President FDR that allowed for Japanese internment camps to be set up all over the West Coast in the name of 'national security.' Continue reading
Nuclear technician, Carl Pillitteri, recalls the day he survived the earthquake in Fukushima as one of 38 Americans at Fukushima when tragedy hit. Continue reading