Grammy Awards
Milli Vanilli Are Stripped of Their Grammy Award

Milli Vanilli was a pop group of the late 1980s and early 1990s, comprised of members Fab Morvan and Rob Pilatus. The duo won a Grammy Award for Best New Artist on February 21, 1990. Later on that year, reporter Chuck Philips of the Los Angeles Times revealed that Morvan and Pilatus were not responsible for the lead vocals on their record. This revelation lead to their Grammy Award being taken away. In this video, Morvan and Pilatus attend their first press conference after the story broke. In the press conference, they claim that they wanted it to be public knowledge that they were not responsible for the lead vocals on their album, however their contract prevented them from speaking out. Pilatus says that he told their producer: “We told him: ‘If we can’t sing on our record, you have to – you have to go to the press and say that we don’t sing’, because we couldn’t break out of our contract. Just the producer can stop the contract.” Pilatus also says that he believes the men who actually did the vocals for the album deserve to be given the Grammy.

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Submitted by: Ilana Faber
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