Invasion of Normandy
Photo Galleries: Invasion of Normandy in 1944

These two Canadian soldiers raise a Nazi flag which they captured in a quarry south of Hautmesnil, France. (August 10, 1944). Source: National Archives of Canada.

Please select one of the following photo albums: Preparing for D-Day June 6, 1944: The Normandy Landings Featured Images All Photos on the Invasion of Normandy  

Invasion of Normandy
Germans & Americans Recall the ‘Hell’ That Was Omaha

National Archives and Records Administration

In this fascinating compilation of interviews, both German and American veterans from World War II describe their experiences of warfare on Omaha Beach during D-Day. Franz Gockel and Bruno Plota were German soldiers responsible for shooting U.S. soldiers as they dispatched from their boats onto the beach. Plota says, “The … Continue reading