Tag: Literature
E.L. Doctorow
E.L. Doctorow on his Writing

The great E.L. Doctorow discusses his writing and the process of discovery. Getting into the mind and imaginations of his characters and his stories. In this interview with Charlie Rose, he talks about how some writers rely too much on research. The writer, he says, has to approach the words … Continue reading
Jane Austen
[Text] Jane Austen On The Release Of Pride And Prejudice

“…I must confess that I think her as delightful a creature as ever appeared in print, & how I shall be able to tolerate those who do not like her at least, I do not know.—There are a few Typical errors—& a “said he” or a “said she” would sometimes … Continue reading
J. R. R. Tolkien
Tolkien Explains the Mythology of Middle Earth

In an interview with BBC, J.R.R. Tolkien discusses the complex mythology of his invented world. Continue reading
Dr. Seuss
[Text] Dr. Seuss Gives Advice to a Fan

“To develop an individual style of writing and drawing, always go to yourself for criticsm. If you ask advice from too many other people, then you no longer are yourself…” American cartoonist Dr. Seuss, born Theodor Geisel, was known for his popular illustrated children’s books like “The Cat in the … Continue reading
Ernest Hemingway
Historian Stanley Karnow Remembers His Hemingway Encounter

Pulitzer-prize winning historian Stanley Karnow recalls interviewing Ernest Hemingway in Paris in the 1950s for Time magazine. Continue reading
J. R. R. Tolkien
Tolkien’s Daughter on Her Dad’s Meticulous Story-Telling

Priscilla Tolkien, daughter to author of “Lord of the Rings” book series J. R. R. Tolkien interview, discusses her father’s conscientious and exact approach to the details in his books. She recalls how he would fastidiously revise elements in his books until they accurately portrayed the situations he construed for … Continue reading
J. R. R. Tolkien
J. R. R. Tolkien’s Son on His Dad’s Use of Rings As Metaphor

J. R. R. Tolkien’s son, Christopher Tolkien analyzes his father’s work, particularly the metaphoric use of magic in his books: “Magic is very close to the machine. Magic is coercion…” And due to man’s use of machines, or “magic,” in order to attain power, Christopher Tolkien says it was important … Continue reading
Alfred Hitchcock
[Text] Nabokov’s Response to Hitchcock’s Request for a Film Collaboration

“Your second idea is quite acceptable to me…” The following is a letter written by novelist Vladimir Nabokov to film director and producer Alfred Hitchcock in response to his question on writing a screenplay for a film together. In this letter, Nabokov replies to Hitchcock by telling him that his … Continue reading
Alfred Hitchcock
[Text] Alfred Hitchcock’s Letter to Vladimir Nabokov on a Film Collaboration

“Now this next idea I’m not sure will really appeal to you but, on the other hand, it might….” Film director and producer Alfred Hitchcock writes a letter to novelist Vladimir Nabokov about the possibility of collaborating on a screenplay together. In this letter, Hitchcock proposes two story lines to … Continue reading