Mount Rushmore
Mount Rushmore: Thomas Jefferson Revealed


Mount Rushmore carving began October 4, 1927 near Keystone South Carolina.  Mount Rushmore was sculpted by Danish-American Gutzon Borglum and his son, Lincoln Borglum.  The president faces were completed between 1934 and 1939.  Mount Rushmore has the faces of Presidents George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt and Abraham Lincoln. President … Continue reading

James Madison
[Text] Margaret Smith Recalls Jefferson’s Demeanor at Madison’s Inauguration

Library of Congress

Margaret Bayard Smith’s Account of Thomas Jefferson at James Madison’s Inauguration and Ball - 4 Mar. 1809 On the morning of Mr Madison’s inauguration, he asked Mr Jefferson to ride in his carriage with him to the Capitol, but this he declined, & in answer to one who inquired of him why … Continue reading