New York City Blackout of 1977
Two D.J.’s Recall the Blackout

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Disco Wiz and Grandmaster Caz, two D.J.’s in New York City during the early 1970s, give their account of what it was like to be present during the chaotic New York City blackout of 1977. The two describe the day of the blackout, recalling that they were D.J.-ing for a … Continue reading

New York City Blackout of 1977
Changes Brought on By the Blackout

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New York City residents, including various D.J.’s and well-known journalist Geraldo Rivera, comment on the July 13, 1977 city-wide blackout that they experienced. Wilton Sekzer, a member of the New York Police Department during the chaos, describes how difficult it was for officers to get the citizens under control as … Continue reading