American Civil War
[Text] General Sherman Describes His “March To The Sea”


“I knocked daylight through Georgia, and in retreating to the s[outh] like a sensible man I gathered up some plunder and walked into this beautiful City, whilst you & Thomas gave Hood Forest, a taste of what they have to Expect by trying to meddle with our Conquered Territory…” On … Continue reading

Abraham Lincoln
[Text] The Death of John Wilkes Booth

Library of Congress

On April 24, 1865, Lieutenant Edward Doherty sits on a bench across from the White House conversing with another officer. The arrival of a messenger interrupts the conversation. The messenger carries orders directing Doherty to lead a squad of cavalry to Virginia to search for Booth and Herold. Scouring the … Continue reading

American Civil War
[Text] General Robert E. Lee’s Farewell Address


Headquarters, Army of Northern Virginia, 10th April 1865. General Order No. 9 After four years of arduous service marked by unsurpassed courage and fortitude, the Army of Northern Virginia has been compelled to yield to overwhelming numbers and resources. I need not tell the survivors of so many hard fought … Continue reading

American Civil War
[Text] The Surrender Correspondence at Appomattox

The Library of Congress

The correspondence below follows the letters of Grant and Lee as they seek to find an honorable and acceptable end to this bloody war. APRIL 7, 1865 General R. E. LEE: The result of the last week must convince you of the hopelessness of further resistance on the part of … Continue reading