Tag: Business
North American Free Trade Agreement
How Canada Benefits From NAFTA

Peter Antone, Attorney at law, explains the advantages and disadvantages of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) in Canada. Continue reading
North American Free Trade Agreement
The Importance of NAFTA

Dr. Barry Lawrence, Director of the Industrial Distribution Program, discusses why NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) is important and its’ significance. Continue reading
Cesar Chavez
Chavez Explains the Power of Boycotts
Martha Goldman Sigall on Working at Hanna-Barbera
Great Depression
Survivors on Their Lives During the Great Depression
The Coca-Cola Company
Coke CEO Describes Reactions to New Coke

Roberto Goizueta, former CEO of the Coca-Cola Company, recalls reactions to the launch of the ill-fated New Coke on April 23, 1985, which did not go as planned. People were enraged by the new taste of the iconic drink and Coca-Cola quickly returned to the old formula a few months … Continue reading
Apple Inc.
Ron Wayne on the Beginning of Apple Inc.
Apple Inc.
Steve Wozniak on the Lost Apple Co-Founder
Wall Street
Rep. Ellen Tauscher on the Past & Future of the NYSE

Ellen Tauscher remembers what it was like to be one of the first woman on the New York Stock Exchange. Continue reading