Frank O'Hara
Frank O’Hara Reads His Poem ‘Having a Coke With You’

This video from WNET’s 1966 program called “USA Poetry: Frank O’Hara” contains footage of Frank O’Hara reading aloud his poem “Having a Coke With You”. O’Hara speaks about the various reasons that he loves the subject of the poem. He says “I would rather look at you than all the portraits in the world,” and he also mentions how the object of his affection moves so beautifully. O’Hara intermingles his affections with this person with frequent mention of art. He worked as the curator of the Museum of Modern Art, and the poem hints at a heavy influence of art in his life. O’Hara mentions in the poem, Leonardo Di Vinci, Michelangelo, impressionists and portraits.

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Submitted by: Megan O'Toole
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