Thurgood Marshall
Appointment to Supreme Court in 1967


Footage from 1967 of Thurgood Marshall’s appointment as the the first African-American Associate Justice on the U.S. Supreme Court. Marshall was confirmed by a Senate vote of 69–11 on August 30, 1967; in this video, members of the U.S. Senate give their feedback on the historic confirmation.

Thurgood Marshall
Thurgood Marshall: “Common Humanity’


Stephen Carter, former clerk of Justice Thurgood Marshall in 1980, shares a story on how Marshall would never say a negative thing about someone, including the segregationists that he effectively dedicated his legal career opposing. Carter describes a time when one particular segregationist lawyer’s name came up and instead of … Continue reading

Charles Manson
The Manipulation of a Manson Follower


A former follower of Charles Manson and participant in the Manson Family murders, Leslie Van Houten, is interviewed 23 years after she was found guilty and sentenced on March 29, 1971. Van Houten explains how she got wrapped up in the dangerous group, as well as how people could be … Continue reading

Charles Manson
Manson Member on Finally Feeling Sorrow Towards Victims


Susan Atkins, a follower of Charles Manson and participant in the Manson Family murders, is interviewed seven years since her life sentencing in prison, which began on March 29, 1971. Atkins explains that there was an evil force in fellow Manson Family member, Charles “Tex” Watson, on the night that … Continue reading

Berlin Wall
‘Mr. Gorbachev, Tear Down This Wall!’


A significant moment in Cold War history: U.S. President Ronald Reagan on June 12, 1987 issued a challenge to Soviet Union leader Mikhail Gorbachev to “tear down” the Berlin Wall, which the Communist state of East Germany erected in 1961 as a barrier between West Berlin and the socialist state … Continue reading

On Mandela’s Death: ‘I Cried Myself to Sleep’

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Nelson Mandela’s close friend, Ebrahim Moolla, reacts to Mandela’s death on December 5, 2013 and reflects on their meaningful friendship. Mandela used Moolla’s apartment as the secret headquarters for his early revolutionary activities defying racial segregation in South Africa. Moolla explains why defying Apartheid was a cause that he and … Continue reading