Nashville Sit-Ins
James Lawson on Gaining Courage from the Nashville Sit-Ins

James Lawson, a professor and reverend, describes how rewarding it was for him to be a part of the Nashville sit-ins–a nonviolent campaign to end racially segregated lunch counters in downtown Nashville, Tennessee, which lasted from February 13 to May 10, 1960. Lawson recalls how his fellow protestors such as John Lewis and Marion Barry came back from their first sit-in “exulting” in their experiences. This made Lawson and others in the civil rights movement no longer afraid of protesting and it strengthened in him this notion: “What is new for us often does frighten. But if we can muster up the will to do the right thing and try it, then the action will confirm within us the essential powers that we need to continue.”

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Submitted by: Virginia Choi
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