Gerald Ford
[Text] Suggestions If Gerald Ford Had Won Second Term

The White House
November 2, 1976
Memorandum For The President
From: James E. Connor

Attached is a set of materials prepared for the transition to your second administration.

The first paper, entitled “Planning the Transition” identifies items you may wish to consider in order to ensure maximum flexibility in shaping the policies, structure and people of your new administration. It is basically a paper designed to prevent events from getting out of control during the transition period. A second paper entitled “Presidential Objectives” sketches out a series of objectives around which you might wish to organize your second administration. The themes of peace, prosperity and trust are identified as the key elements and specific policy and programmatic suggestions are identified under each of these three themes. If you choose to pursue these objectives, some brief organizing principles are identified. The third paper entitled “Modern Mid-term Transitions: The Implications for President Ford” was prepared by the Institute of Politics at the Kennedy School of Government under the direction of Jonathan Moore. That paper examines in some detail mid-term transitions form Eisenhower to Nixon. It concludes that most mid-term transitions have not been successful because the re-elected President lost his chance for shaping events in the direction he wished. The first 11 pages of the study, which summarize previous transitions, may be of interest to you.

(In hand writing: Never submitted to the President- for obvious reasons R. Cheney 1/20/77)


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