Tag: John F. Kennedy
Bay of Pigs Invasion
Assassination of John F. Kennedy
Abraham Zapruder on His Loss of the Love of Film

The man who shot the famous video of the Kennedy assassination, Abraham Zapruder, discusses his thoughts on the decision of the Warren commission and explains why he doesn't have the heart to record movies anymore. Continue reading
John F. Kennedy
Establishing the Peace Corps

This is the historic document of the 1961 Executive Order signed by John F. Kennedy that official established the funding and organization of the Peace Corps. Continue reading
Assassination of John F. Kennedy
[Text] Condolence Letter From Australian Citizen to Jackie Kennedy

As Jacqueline Kenney was surely getting condolence letter from leaders all over the world, this one is unique because it came from an Australian citizen, explaining how sad the loss of JFK made her and her family. Continue reading
John F. Kennedy
[Text] JFK Establishes President’s Commission on the Status of Women

John F. Kennedy's executive order, written on December 14, 1961, on what he believes is the potential and right of women in the United States. Continue reading
John F. Kennedy
Stephen Colbert Remembers JFK as a Mythical Figure

Political comedian Stephen Colbert discusses growing up with images of the Kennedys in his house and explains how he viewed JFK as a mythical being from a young age. Continue reading
John F. Kennedy
[Text] Pete Seeger’s Appeal to JFK on March 3, 1961

“Mr. John F. Kennedy The White House Washington, D.C. Dear Mr. President: I take the liberty of writing you as a fellow classmate of Harvard 1940, and as the man I voted for last November. I am a musician, a singer of folk songs, facing trial for contempt of Congress … Continue reading
Bill Clinton
Bill Clinton on Meeting JFK as a Teenager

Bill Clinton recalls the day he met President John F. Kennedy on July 24, 1963 at the Boys Nation civic training event sponsored by the American Legion. Continue reading
Assassination of John F. Kennedy
Harris Wofford Recalls His Sadness At JFK & MLK’s Death

Senator Harris Wofford, special assistant to JFK on Civil Rights, recalls his sadness at the loss of his three good friends: JFK, Martin Luther King and RFK. Continue reading
John F. Kennedy
George Raveling: Kennedy Asked MLK Not to Speak

George Raveling, "in the right place at the right time," owns and protects the actual physical speech that Martin Luther King, Jr., read that day. He recalls hearing Kennedy ask MLK not to speak at the March. Continue reading